DAAD Information Centre Seoul

Our office is located in Seoul’s bustling business district of Myeong-dong – central and easy to reach. Here, we offer free consultation for anyone interested in academic exchange with Germany. In fact, we
- inform Korean students, graduates and their parents about studying in Germany and scholarship opportunities
- are the information hub for Korean researchers and faculty members about research in Germany – land of ideas – and the various funding possibilities available.
- offer on-site free information sessions about study and research in Germany to Korean universities and institutions. We also participate in major educational fairs in various Korean cities.
- are the main contact point into the German Higher Education system for our Korean institutional partners and also facilitate German students and researchers coming to Korea.
- offer extensive and free information on our website about the Korean system of higher education and research to German universities, institutions and an interested audience.
- are partners of the active alumni organizations „DAAD Alumni Association Korea“ and „Alumni Network Germany/Korea (ADeKo)“ and facilitate these in their ongoing efforts in building strong academic and personal networks as well as providing assistance in the organisation of well received conferences and other professional gatherings.